The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of inflation, is a monthly statistic that measures the change in prices paid consumers for a basket of goods and services. While this measure serves more as an official gauge, a lot of consumers seem to have a different sense of their inflation rate when paying for goods. The question often arises: Why is the official rate seems so much lower than what I’m experiencing? Our inflation rate may vary depending on our individual preferences for consumption. This means that some people may experience higher inflation relative to others. For a senior, food and energy costs are a very high proportion of their total household outlay. The location where you live can also impact your personal inflation rate. If you have a fixed-rate mortgage, or if you’re retired and your home is paid for, you won’t experience fluctuating housing costs as a result of having an adjustable-rate mortgage or paying rent. But you may see housing costs vary from one region of the country to another. Another big swing factor in your personal inflation rate is health-care cost. If you have purchased a long-term care policy with an inflation rider, you can insulate yourself against rising nursing-home and other long-term care costs. Anyone who has Social Security has a buffer against higher prices because Social Security includes a cost-of-living adjustment. If a Social Security paycheck is a big proportion of your total income needs, you're likely in good shape as far as inflation is concerned. If it's just a tiny portion of your total income needs, you're not in as good a shape. If you're receiving a pension with an inflation adjustment it can help you stave off inflation, and the same goes for folks who have an annuity with an inflation rider; they will have some protection against inflation. What about folks who are still in employment? If you’re still working, either full-time or part-time, you may potentially be able to get a cost-of-living adjustment in your paycheck. If you're not working and not eligible for those cost-of-living adjustments, you'll need to plan for inflation accordingly. Finally, it’s also important to gauge whether your portfolio is built to withstand your personal rate of inflation. Portfolio composition is the key here. Investments such as short-term bonds and cash may not safeguard against the threat of inflation. If a high proportion of your portfolio consists of cash or short-term bonds without any inflation protection built in, you may see a large percentage of your return eaten away by inflation. Next up is your portfolio time horizon. Seniors who are quite far into their retirement and don’t anticipate having a long time horizon for their investment assets probably need to be less concerned about the toll that inflation will take over time. However, if you’re just starting out in retirement, you may need to plan for inflation-proofing your portfolio, because over time, even a seemingly benign inflation rate of 3% may take a bite out of your portfolio return. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses. Government bonds and Treasury bills are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government as to the timely payment of principal and interest, while stocks are not guaranteed and have been more volatile than other asset classes. Annuities are suitable for long-term investing, particularly retirement savings. Annuity risks include market risk, liquidity risk, annuitization risk, tax risk, estate risk, interest-rate risk, inflation risk, death and survivorship risk, and company failure risk. Withdrawal of earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. Additional fees and investment restrictions may apply for living-benefit options. Violating the terms and conditions of the annuity contract may void guarantees. Consult a financial advisor and tax advisor before purchasing an annuity.