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Dividends Resources


The recent low interest rate environment has resulted in lower income from short-term fixed income investments. Relying on yields alone may not generate the cash flow needed to meet your income requirements in retirement. If you are looking to generate more income, consider adding dividend-paying stocks to your retirement portfolio.

Dividend stocks may provide income…

Dividend-paying stocks have enjoyed a renaissance during the past several years. Despite the high-profile blowups of many financial stocks, dividend payers generally outperformed non-dividend payers during the financial crisis. Further burnishing dividend payers' appeal is the currently benign tax treatment of dividends: Those in the 25% tax bracket and above pay taxes at a 15% rate on…

Income is important to consider when choosing an investment. Especially important for investors approaching retirement, income can add meaningfully to one’s total return, which comprises income and price return (capital appreciation). Investors can pursue income returns in many ways including bonds, real estate investment trusts, and stocks.

Stock income is typically paid in the form of…