Reinvestment can be a crucial component of the wealth accumulation process, as the reinvested amount compounds and grows over time. Yet if you are reinvesting dividends and capital gains (“distributions”) in funds you hold in your taxable account, it can be important to ensure that you're not paying more tax than necessary. You pay tax on those distributions in the year in which you receive them. But if you don’t keep good records, you could end up paying tax on those distributions again when you sell. For example, say you bought 1,000 shares of a fund for your taxable account at the end of 2011; you paid $18 per share for a total of $18,000. In 2012, with the share price still at $18, the fund made a dividend distribution of $0.50 per share, or $500 for your 1,000 shares. You'd owe tax on the $500 on your 2012 taxes, whether you reinvested the money or took the cash in hand. (The taxes would be deferred if you held the fund in a tax-sheltered account). If you reinvested the money in the fund, you’d now own 1,027.78 shares: your original 1,000 plus the nearly 28 additional shares that you were able to buy (at $18) with the $500 dividend distribution. If you sell now, with the fund's net asset value at $20, you’d think you’d owe taxes on your $2,555.56 profit ($20,555.56 minus $18,000), right? Wrong. You would only owe taxes on $2,055.56 ($20,555.56 minus $18,000 minus $500). Otherwise, the $500 dividends would be taxed twice.
Investments are subject to risk of principal and risk of loss. Dividends are not guaranteed. Retirement accounts are tax-deferred vehicles designed for retirement savings. Any withdrawals of earnings will be subject to ordinary income tax and, if taken prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. This should not be considered tax or financial planning advice. Please consult a tax and/or financial professional for advice specific to your individual circumstances.